Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lucas Sets Indiana Jones Shoot DateExternal Link

Oh Yeah!! Indiana Jones is on the way. No matter what it will be, it's the most anticipated movie to me for 10-some years.

For those who know me well enough will know the fact that I am so wholeheartedly charmed by Indiana Jones. It explains why you would sometimes somewhere see my name as Tony Jones. I did name myself after the movie.

About 20 years ago, I was filled with an adventurous heart inside. I encountered an arcade game which was a very addictive action game in an adventure theme. Shortly afterward, I realized the game was actually published in the same name of the movie, Indiana Jones' Raiders Of The Lost Ark. I missed watching it at cinema, because it was a rather expensive leisure to go cinemas. It was not too bad, as I was able to watch it on TV later. The movie deeply impressed me and it made great influence on me. Starting from that moment, I loved Steven Spielberg more, more than watching Jaws. Harrison Ford became a trademark as a hero to me. Relic hunting and acheology, whip and hat, and Nazi, all were concepts describing a world of thrilling adventures. Indiana Jones became my most favorite character ever. Not to mention there were also the remarkable theme music and the iconic orange-to-yellow-blending typeface.

In 1989, the featuring of Sean Connery as Ford's father in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade created a astonishing worldwide success and sealed the trilogy. My blood was hot and kept anticipating the possibility of the forth Indiana Jones movie.

The three key persons of this movie all became the most influential people in the Hollywood. George Lucas, the writer/producer, is the owner of one of the most valuable franchise, the Star Wars. Steven Spielberg, the director, created the most top selling movies and pushed movie industry a new generation after his Jurassic Park. Harrison Ford started his stardom since his appearance in the Star Wars trilogy. They are all busy celebrities. Planning a schedule for these three guys would be the most difficult problem in Hollywood. There had been ongoing rumors about the making of the 4th Indy movie, but nothing was officially announced. Until these few years in the 21st century, they finally mentioned publicly a solid plan. The most fantastic news today is to hear that its filming will be done in this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were a typical boy!