Saturday, January 13, 2007


I bought the book "Secrets of Dreams" when I visited the university bookstore last month. I have read half of the book in 2 weeks. Friends asked me about the dream interpretations. However, the first half of the book covered the history about the study of dreams, and how dream worked. The book was not difficult to read and it contained no jargons. It taught you about dreams from many aspects and from simple to depth, and in a very digestible way.

Human learnt so little about dreams. Several major schools of thoughts have been developed, in quite opposite directions. The true face of dreams have not been revealed. The book, however, gave me very inspirational insights about the possible power of dreams. I had no idea why but I had very few dreams in the past decade, only dreamt once or twice a year. This week, on the other hand, I followed the tips from the book and managed to make dreams every night. It's sort of a miracle. Just telling yourself to prepare dreaming before your bedtime would be all you needed to do. I enjoyed dreaming. Dreams gave me extra dimension about life.

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